Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Here are the best banner design ideas you need!

Do you know what makes a great banner design? You might be surprised to know, but all it takes is clarity and simplicity.

Often, in an attempt to make banners look more attractive, designers add so many elements that they end up making it more complicated. As a result, it fails to serve its purpose and your potential customers may skip to another banner ad. Therefore, please remember, simplicity and clarity are the two principles to create a good banner advertisement. This is because customers can easily relate to the message that is clear and simple.

If you want to get a customized banner ad for your company, there are many good banner design companies in Queens that can offer the right solution. However, before you start searching for the most suitable company for you, have a look at these banner design ideas. Of course, the professionals will help determine the best banner design that meets your needs and budget, but it will be a good idea to look around and choose for yourself.

Banner Design Services

The internet is flooded with millions of banner design ideas, but it's not possible to go through each one of them. Therefore, in this post, we have some of the best banner design ideas that you may use as inspiration to create yours.

Sephora - From the cosmetic castle to the makeup mecca and the fashion fortress, these are some of the most common ways people refer to Sephora. Since the brand stepped into the world of digitalization back in the early 2000s, its advertising game has been on point. Over the past few years, a banner ad by Sephora has created quite a buzz due to its pop-culture references like swiping the right to find the right match with your perfect cosmetic product. Now you see the message was clear and due to Tinder reference in the banner ad nearly 46 million people using the dating app felt related.

Starbucks - According to Statista, Starbucks, also referred to as the star of the morning show, alone made 22.4 billion dollars last year. I know most of you might love their caramel frappuccinos, but do you know what made this luxury coffee company gain popularity? Well, it’s their remarkable online advertising efforts. They use banner ads that are simple and relatable to customers. If you ever see banner ads by Starbucks, you will notice that they stick to the same layout and Starbucks guidelines when designing their banner. But they carefully choose elements that reflect the tone of each drink to grab the attention of their viewers.


Hopefully, now you know the trick of how the biggest brands across the world always nail their online advertising. Besides making their banner ads creative, they also focus on making it more simple, clear and relatable to the views. When you hire banner design services in Manhattan, don’t forget to discuss with your banner design company about what you’re looking for. 


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