Friday, October 4, 2019

4 Features that make your website visually appealing

Now that you’ve decided to make your business visible to your potential customers online, you would need a well-designed website to represent your products or services. This means, it’s time to hunt for the best website design company in NewYork.

If you’re new to website and online business thing, there is a possibility that you may not have any idea how to make your website visually appealing. Or what are the essential features that make your website more appealing? Well, as one of the leading website design companies in New York, we can help you understand what makes your website interesting and engaging. This will also act as a guidance to hire the right website design company for you. In simple words, when you search for the right website design firm, make sure they offer these features.

In this post, we’ll explain the 4 basics to add great visual design for your website.

  • Design & color - The first thing you need to consider to make your website visually appealing are the colors you design with. Design and colors are what catch people’s eye who are present online and make them pause while flipping through Facebook and Instagram feed. Do you color not only catches eye but also offer an instant layer of communication? Human brains are sense-making machines. This means, the subconscious mind start assessing something that is interesting like attractive colors even before the conscious mind. Therefore, if you want to grab those internet users’ attention towards your website, color your website design with most appealing colors.
  • Pictures & graphics - Whether it’s your customer or client, it’s important to win their trust. So, you need to make sure your website is as real as possible to have a lasting impression on them. As per the experts, it is not a good idea to overtly stock photos on your website, as it will look fake. Although you can take photos of your office and your team on your own with your smartphone, it is better to leave that to the professional photographers, so that you can blow away your competitors. After all, first impression with website always matter.
  • Consistency - As quoted by Lincoln Chafee, “Trust is built with consistency.” If you want to build your potential customers trust towards your website, you need to maintain consistent design elements throughout your website. For example, you can maintain the same menu bar or navigation throughout the top of all pages of your site or keep the same fonts and color scheme across each page.
  • Easy navigation - Just like a map without a legend, a website is useless if it lacks clear navigation. Therefore, when it comes to making your website more appealing, use easy-to-navigate and logical names for each page of your website, such as about us, contact, FAQ, and more. If you try to be cryptic or clever, you will not do any good to your business, instead you’ll end up turning-off your potential users.
In closing
Always remember, a visually appealing website starts with solid design, right color combination, clear navigation, great consistency throughout the website and more. These are just a few most important features that make a great and appealing website. While you’re searching for the right website design company, ask them if they provide these features or not.


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